By: Angel Ontiveros C.
When we are faced with something impossible there is only one way: to do it. The impossible is to be done, it is not to promise, of course it has a requirement: Do not go back to the impossible desire that inhabits us. J. Lakan
None of us acts in thevoid, nor man is the measure of everything, but the relationship with our neighbour. Whatever our character, whatever situation we are born in, it is possible to be good, to live a good life, and that the root of goodness is wisdom. That means that we as a species, in our finest form, are all philosophers. In the true sense of the word, lovers of wisdom.
What really makes us feel alive? What drives us forward when the most basic needs are already met?? Let us do this sinuous walk that goes from strange conspiracies, to the clandestine exercise of power, to drug trafficking and the question of the meaning of life. Basically, there’s something incredibly big, it’s about the path to true freedom. The sun and not the Earth is the center of the Universe, proclaimed Copernicus. Desire and not reason is the center of man, said Freud and Nietzsche.
All human activity is motivated by desire or impulse. B. Russell
There was once a colonel named Paul L. Helliwell who was the head of intelligence forces in China for an organization called OSS (The Office of Strategic Services) which was an American intelligence organization during World War II, operating in many countries. It’s a special story in itself. The OSS is the organization that after World War II became what is now called CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). Helliwell had an idea towards the end of World War II, I observe how Chiang Kai-shek, leader of the so-called nationalists, who is fighting against the rebellion of Mao’s communists. Helliwell observed how Chiang Kai-shek financed his troops selling opium to Chinese drug addicts. Fast financing, he thought; hmmm this is not a bad idea! So, when OSS later became in the CIA, it brought that idea to the U.S. The idea was that the CIA’s secret operations could be financed by selling heroin to the black population of American cities. The inner circle of the OSS to which Helliwell belonged came fromhighly regarded dignitaries in American Society, lawyers, bankers, businessmen, many famous names, from the Morgan banking family to Roosevelt, etc. And the inner circle behind the ClA formation bought Helliwell’s idea. Andit’s a good idea we can do secret things, just like we finance them in secret, without having to worry so much about Congress or the president, it just complicates things they thought!
As all intelligence services, the CIA had already wondered: Who would be the enemy after the war? And of course, it would be the Soviet Union the great enemy, communism would be fought by all means, that was the political idea behind future actions: communism would be fought not only with legal, democratic or diplomatic intimidation, but, by measure of war, etc. It would fight directly, actively and secretly. The other question was: how would everything been financed? who laughed at the production and distribution of heroin? When they said the mafia could do it, they contacted mafia boss Charles “Lucky” Luciano, among other mobsters, and established a collaboration that the mafia gladly accepted. The third questions would then be who would handle the amounts of money that would begin to flow for that purpose? They contacted the most secret bank in the world, named after It: Istituto per le opere di religione (IOR), also known as the Vatican Banco.
This is a completely true story: all the modern heroin trafficking with all its victims, all its social consequences were initiated in this way, and continued for decades after embarking on action. Much about it can be read in various heavy studies both academic and journalistic. I recently read a book by award-winning American journalist Paul L. Williams called: Operation Gladio[1]. There are also other research papers that can be found for a broader understanding of these operations, so this is not something invented. Paul L. Williams writes in detail about how this was, what people were involved, how they came into contact with each other, how everything was arranged, who did what, when, etc. and is, of course, largely an underground activity that has come to the surface lately. In Italy, it was called Operation Gladio, and the idea was to finance mainly the “Stand Behind” units with the objective, that was collectively called the units they created for that purpose, not only in Italy, but all of Western Europe, even in Sweden, which was not directly an ally of NATO. These secret groups would operate if the Soviets invaded any of the countries of Western Europe, these units acted underground, so it was established by the CIA. The most active unit was italy, as it was the country, they feared would become a communist in a democratic way. The Communist Party in Italy was on track to win parliamentary elections after World War II, and they would not allow it, it would fight in every way and by all means, with all kinds of pressure, violent threats and even murder. Eventually, they launched purely terrorist operations, pretending to make them believe it was the Communists when, who actually attacked, it was the CIA-funded “Stand Behind” units that were behind those attacks. Almost all Latin American coups until Bolivia’s last coup reminds us of the same CIA strategy. Another known case was the kidnapping of a politician Aldo Moro, who was subsequently also killed in the 1970s.
All this sounds extremely controversial, but this is well researched, documented and is not a wild conspiracy theory of mine but, it’s been done this way. Obviously, news of this came from time to time, but it was not so easy to take this to some kind of judicial body, as it was illegal in every way imaginable in Italy for example. The plan also included corrupting key people, in the structure of Italian power. Another central element that also helped connect many people with each other, lobbying in various ways, was a free masonic group in Italy called P2 (propaganda due), which was revealed by Italian researchers and eventually ended up in court, that’s how it all began to crumble during the 80s a decade that The P2 not only applied pressure but, also devoted itself to corrupting key people in Italy. The Masonic team was incredibly corrupt, it was made up of many dignitaries in society, including many of the Catholic Church, many judges, police, the intelligence service, and also in the international arena, whose networks spread to into South America.. Finally, the European Commission also received news of this in the 1990s and compiled a document that said that this should not been happen! So, recently, this organization was eliminated and dissolved in the form of its source organization, there is no evidences that such activities do not continue, albeit with other names and for other purposes. What interests us in this note is to think about the State and the Capital, what role they can play. It is clear here that very influential people, powerful networks have acted completely clandestine, secret, illegal for a long time and have greatly influenced world history, effectively creating desire and dependence on heroin in much of the American population, and also in other western countries.
The term called: Theory of Conspiracy, often used for disguised purposes, it is said and it’s a conspiracy theory, and you’re an idiot who believes in that!! After what I have been able to investigate, and subsequently find references, it actually seems that it was the CIA that founded the term proper Conspiracy Theory, when some of the operations mentioned above, but also other secret operations, began to reveal themselves, or wasrum threatened with being revealed, then the CIA pre-arranged in how to handle all this? We can’t simply succinctly say that this was not only real, because it come out to light different facts, many people who began to testify, so they couldn’t play fools so to speak. However, they allowed certain known things to be known, but to all the facts and arguments gathered that were interconnected, and formed a general idea of things, they called it conspiracy theory, and then they also injected it with a lot of false information, so that when journalists and others began looking, they found some things that were correct, but also things that didn’t matter when digging deeper. It was then that this false information was intentionally sown, which created an uncertain feeling about everything. This whole quest for truth was called conspiracy theory, and it had the aura of being a little suspicious. a little cherub, and it is still used. When Paul Williams begins his book by telling the story of Paul Halliwell and his idea s of the sale of drugs, he realizes that in the official description of the CIA story nothing can be foundar about it,, so much of this has obscured it. And continuing to investigate this can lead to some unpredictable consequences.
Now, on this specific case, which is already a historical publication already very well known to and documented today, nor it is possible to continue digging further. There are, of course, completely crazy conspiracy theories. What I think is problematic is that, the same term conspiracy has become suspicious, and I think that this loses a key to understanding a lot. Because when we studies real historical events with much detail s entering into a personal level; who did what, who knew, who said what,when, where, what decisions were made, what action was taken, what consequences it had, no matter what kind of events or events you are interested in; ¡There’s a conspiracy behind all! Because, What is a conspiracy? etymologically speaking, it can be translated as: breathe together, so that any group that talks about something and says that this is what we want to do, this we must do, whether it’s a political party or a stamp association or whatever at any time is a conspiracy in that sense. The way that conspiracy is the normal way for people to be together and do things, hence it’s a bit peculiar that this concept “conspiracy theory” has such a negative connotation. We know that power has always been exercised in the various societies of humanity, but today we at least live in the notion that we have democratic societies that are transparent, and that this kind of exercise of power must have control. There must always be transparency where power is exercised, and that transparency must be traditional in any country called democratic. But is clear, what we are talking about is an organization with very little transparency. It is said that intelligence agencies like the CIA should have little or no transparency, otherwise they would not be able to carry out their activities. The Catholic Church has traditionally had very little transparency, and it cannot be said that the church obeys to an any principle of access, so it is clear that those freemasons who were also involved in this did much in secret. I think many in the world live under the assumption that, if something is controversial enough, this drug sale during the Second World War initiated by the CIA, then all should know it already, but it is not, this is just a small detail in the monstrous handling of operations done around the world without many so far having the slightest idea of it. And in order not to fall into the same trap, we will mention cases that you your self can analyze and contrast them with everything that is said here, and thus draw your own conclusions.
“The devaluation of the human world is growing because of the valorization of the world of things” Karl Marx
Now to return to the central focus of this note, which is the drug, here is also some kind of mystery that’s related to the general theme of my articles. Just Because when one wonders how similar operation has taken place for so long and has only been revealed so late? That is something very interesting from a historical perspective, and from a perspective of trying to comprehend the society in such way, no matter how clear it is. One question that one can do it is; What is it, from a human perspective, what drives to do similar things, they’re actually a lot of things but how can it be possible to finance something like this based on the sale of drugs? There’s No doubt that there is some need here, it’s true, how could we express it? In a such way, in terms of narcotics, there’s a need built, nor there is a natural need in humans to reduce to drug addiction, but it is obvious that once you try, in particular, a substance as incredibly addictive as heroin can be stay catch of in the blink of an eye. Then there’s something that pushes go on, there’s a kind of desire that is wake up and fertilizes that way, and without that desire, those things wouldn’t have been possible and not everything funded with drug money could have taken place. So, it is in that way, if you scratch about the surface of the history, there are things that end being in some way like the real mysteries, and here I use the heroin as a symbol, although I’m not a drug expert, but what we know it’s that heroin is one of the worst, just because addiction to it becomes very strong in a short period of consumption, it’s not that it kills you directly, the body does not been punished as you might believe, so you can consume year after year. Something Interesting is that parallel to the start of selling this drug during World War II, criminalization drug management and trade became increasingly severe, sanctions became higher and higher in the US. It becomes political debate if drugs should be legalized or whether it is better to raise the penalty. But it’s interesting that something tremendously addictive, is at the same time a type of underground engine in the western societies. This is an example of the fact that things aren’t exactly how you think. It’s a kind of a desire. But what kind of desire? Desire or wish to escape, get away, shortcut, etc. Another type of desire that had important world political and historical consequences is the desire for meaning or sense. A wish that is satisfied with the help of drugs is a risky lust, so desire for meaning or sense it’s at least equally risky. Cause what was that unholy drug alliance? Basically, what was originally a political purpose, all means were justified for achieve a certain political goal, namely, to keep communism mute, that’s why it been used all such means! And why selling heroin to america’s black population, the answer to it can be seen in this Netflix documentary movie[2].
History is not something that is taken for a coincidence. We are the result of the history chosen by our ancestors, if we are white. If we are black, we are the result of history that our ancestors did not choose. 13th
During the 1970s in the US, under the pretext of the fight against drugs, hundreds of thousands of people were imprisoned for having marijuana. That was the repressive fight against the left. That drug was instrumentalized to go against that collective. The same thing happened with heroin, which in this case was against black people. In the 1980s, with the advent of crack, police repression hardened. Even clearly differentiating cocaine, which was a white drug, from crack, processed cocaine, which was that of blacks.[3] During this period, a DEA agent stationed in Central America, Celeno Castillo, claimed that he obtained evidence that the CIA was mounting the entire counter operation. According to Dennis Bernstein and Robert Knight of newsday, Castillo told his supervisor in a memorandum that “there is no doubt that [North and the CIA] are shoving large amounts of cocaine into the U.S. to support the contras. We have seen cocaine and boxes full of money [at the base of the Lopango, in El Salvador. We’re talking about large amounts of cocaine and many millions of dollars.”[4] As we can see, the CIA’s role in drug trafficking is an old and well-documented issue, due to its repetitive method of operation: financing anti-communist factions in strategic locations for the U.S. and allowing or exhorting drug trafficking in those places. The CIA’s involvement in heroin trafficking in the Asian Golden Triangle has been known for decades. Oliver North used the same formula and sparked the Iran-contras scandal.
The Spanish journalist Esteban Ordoñez, describes a situation in Spain, similar to italian, American, or Latin American countries: “The book collects a passage from the memoirs of exlehendakari José Antonio Ardanza. While mayor of the town of Arrasate in 1981, he commissioned the municipal police to investigate where the narcotics that circulated in the village bars came from. The municipalities followed several cars carrying fake license plates and ended up at the gates of the barracks of Intxaurrondo and La Salve (Bilbao). For Arriola there is no doubt: they are evidence that the state flooded mobilized and politicized youth with drugs to turn it into a mass of addicts with no other concern than to get another dose. “[5]
The triumph of a moral ideal is achieved by the same immoral means as any triumph: violence, lying, defamation and injustice. A. Schopenhauer
There is something that happens in history, power-possessing politicians or groups of forces who want to affirm, defend, maintain or expand their sphere of power. Somehow, they need to initiate events that incited hem, or in this case enslave many other people who are not involved in the matter. The desire of one kind or another is the most important manipulative force here, and the same with the desire for meaning. The most grotesque and large-scale historical example of that, at least in modern times, is Germany, where after World War I, there was a kind of sense vacuum, totally filling out after the peace of Versailles, indignation in general with the injustices of peace, difficult economic condition, an extreme inflation, a collapsed economic system. Since the end of the 1800th century it was perceived a kind of ruin, we are largely looking for some other meaning that could maintain the feeling that it was some or significant to continue living life in that one to new modern society increasingly industrialized, unlike the old peasant feudal society. Throughout the German-speaking part of Europe was already a long time since they began to reviver ancient Germanic traditions as a kind of new basis for feeling that had deep roots, and that this had some kind of meaning or importance. That even other traces of meaning-seeking were then well exploited by the Nazi Party recklessly, cultivated, channeled, fertilized, manipulated, deftly, almost in a purely magical way. That’s the hidden part of the story and the backdrop of the Third Reich. Here we talk about manipulative skills so deep that the Nazis were the best at it. So, that desire for meaning, it’s positive of course, we need to feel that it’s meaningful to live, fight, to be together, but it’s obviously also a desire that’s not risk-free as we’re seeing.
We need a critique of moral values, we must once call into question the very value of these values- and for that you need to have knowledge of the conditions and circumstances that those arose, in which they developed and modified (the moral as a consequence, as a symptom, as a mask, as a hypocrisy, as a disease, as a misunderstanding, but also the moral as a cause, as a medicine, as a stimulus, as a brake, as a poison), a knowledge that has not existed until now has not even existed. Nietzsche
The desire for a sense can be the most dangerous desire, because it is very frequent as this is how you can voluntarily bring people to war for example. Creating a story that feels so terribly significant. What fills life with an energy that was so longed for and lacked, that is testified by many who went to war in the time of 1900, American soldiers during the Vietnam war. At first, before leaving, they feel incredibly motivated, but once on the battlefield, it was not only the obvious horrors of war that are so damaging to them, but the feeling that everything was false and meaningless, there was nothing to defend there, there was no glory, no heroism, there was nothing to gain, it was a total scam, but the forces to mobilize them were very strong. Then, you could say that a sense of meaninglessness creates a vacuum that can be dangerous because it can be exploited, hence the roots also to the same fear of right-wing populism today. The Nazis were, for example, a populist movement in every sense of the word. What you now want to say with populist comes from the population that has to do with people and what is often about referring almost pejoratively is ordinary people, that is, not educated at the academy, or critical thinkers, or educated people. But so easy isn’t it, because in Nazi Germany, many educated people, academics, etc. joined Nazism with everything. So that “ordinary people” thing is just a kind of construction. Then, with the use of the word populist, one must be careful. However, what we could say is that; what it’s about is waking up something that lies beneath the rational surface, something that’s not well thought out, something most people can’t even think about, but just feel. The only thought, or idea that there is in this type of politics, is about one thing: of manipulating the feelings of the mass. It is just how this kind of politics is based only on emotional policies, and the shocks of the masses, no matter how intellectual or non-intellectual. Desire itself is no rational impulse formulated in man.
One of the spurs Freud gave to the 1900s was to allow people to differ from the crowd … to realize that there is very little that is abnormal because the abnormal is very normal.
Now, to have a general perspective of all of it, all that was always the problem of modern civilization: the lack of sense, and really all the modern critiques about it have been and have to do with it. That deficiency may have had a natural base, so that most people become more artificial if we associate with their life’s urbanization, the industrialization. Sure, the medieval peasant could sometimes feel hopelessness, but the place and mission in the world for them was more or less given already that it was all about survival, in Europe, was The framework the church and the religiosity it was reasonably stable, but eIs became more and more weakened during the first, the 1700, 1800, 1900, and then “temporarily” was filled with great ideologies that ended in the great disaster, World War II. Again, the great lack of meaning. It’s hard to do such parables with the drugs, it’s always very easy to say that everything is fault of drugs, you blame something; your dopamine or serotonin reacts like heroin! It is clear that there are structures in modern contemporary life that have these elements artificially, and maybe built that filled our lives with a sense, that in reality is pretty empty. I think that many it feel at most deeply or their beings with simply things consumption new things all the time, and when you wake up from that deception you feel pretty abandoned, you understand that you don’t have to, you feel the desire in yourself, all also looks on Google new trips, new adventures, etc. What should we do to be able to resist such a desire? it’s clear that it exists all the time, but when we start to see the void in it, then life becomes even more heavy because then the void becomes so obvious. There are structures that satisfy desire and make society stable, but deep down it’s pretty empty. Maybe I could tell in other way: that desire is the fundamental driving force behind all human activity, and all that we know how economy and politics is basically seated about the canalization and manipulation of it. The whole economy today is based on demand, if people leave to demand anything that drives a such economy it would collapse tomorrow. And that we’re about to see now with the Coronavirus for example. But from this to believe that the system would collapse, it is an immature idea, as desire is something fundamentally human, so one can’t be without desire, being without desire is really like to be died! And that’s what makes it so complicated, that’s why I started by giving examples of political and economic events that exploit desires in an incredibly destructive way. The fact that one can do it raises doubts in more thoughtful people, that desire, is dangerous thing, one must be careful with desire.
A big part of the post-war political system; liberal democracy and all the arguments in its favor, and the effort to keep it as vigorousor possible have been in some way, to made the politics free in some way from desire, and as far as possible, making it as sensible as possible, making it as self-regulating as possible. In other words, some attach greater importance to democratic political processes, others think that there is some kind of rationality inherent in market processes that could also deal with this. And ideological differences arise, about where one can point out objective differences in the consequences of any election. But in reality, what is common in them is, the idea that the rational should be able to heal the destructive power of desire. The risk is, as many people begin to notice in this time, that would be like letting the youngest daughter go alone with the baby in her dolls car to walk around the city. And is that when people lose the desire to protect democracy because it is very boring, because all the procedures in it are like half dead; then the populist again threatens by raising his head, as if it were the uncontaminated desire, especially in the search for meaning.
It could say that desire is potentially dangerous, but also extremely significant. After the Second World War, society manages to keep the desire under control to a large extent with the help of consumption, and not to forget the so-called welfare society, with all that it entails, health, various security systems, etc. all creates some kind of temporal calm, which makes desire, irrevocable desire can assume other less violent and destructive social expressions. It would be a little absurd to think that this is as dangerous as World War II, and it is not. The problem arises when “something bites the tail”, and that’s when the destruction of the environment and the climate threat enters the scene. Everything seems to indicate that this something that has to go down is precisely the consumption, so this satisfying desire that has worked well for a few decades can not continue in the same way. Then a new capital of desire will be released, which should be oriented in some direction, and it is very important that it be directed in the right path. The question one could ask is: so, what is desire really? … because desire is something that goes beyond survival, beyond the feeding of the body, beyond the safety of bodily existence; food, house, friends if you wish, therefore, the basic daily needs to be able to function. Desire is something else, because all this can happen without desire, it is just feeling hungry, and getting food, is feeling alone, and looking for someone to talk to, feeling it rains on you, and looking for a roof on you; has nothing to do with the desire we’re talking about here. Desire is something more subterranean that comes to the surface, it’s something deep, it’s something incredibly metaphysical we could say!
To find the answers to the universe, first look inside, be your own lamp. Buddha
If I look at the old religions, there is a similarity in how they see desire, they believe that desire must be controllable, there are different ways to do it, everything from prayer, go to the monastery, meditate, fast, live an ascetic life to. And there is basically no idea how I understand it about morality, but the goal is to release something more that according to these religions is hidden behind desire and that is the will. A life force that is released when desire be stopped. These are the most common explanations according to religious ascetics, Buddhism is perhaps the most radical example of them, when it is really about freeing itself from the desire to the degree of giving up the world and not being affected by it more, and Christianity has fallen into the same trap to a large extent with the monasticism and all that it entails. I can see this as reminiscent of the same mistake as when we talked earlier that after World War II, a kind of desire-politic situation or that it was; while all we do is as rational, predictable and safe as possible, we will not have the destructive power of desire that we have known during so many wars, it is so terrible all that can cause, if it is the desire that in reality who has caused it, and was in some way, a force of badly directed desire to a greater or lesser degree. They wanted to put a lid on it rationalizing, systematizing, making everything so that things were not driven by desire, but by reason.
It is actually a kind of political, economic, secular variant of Buddhism, or for the case of Christian asceticism, although curiously, asceticism and desires are mutually connected. Theascetis of no sense if there is no desire, so the fault is not so much of asceticism but, on which the ascetic is focused. Ascetics can be misdirected, and if the ascetic tries to get rid of desire, then it is asked something that is the key of everything, because the desire is there, because it has a meaning, pushes towards something, and can, as I said, be misdirected, badly formed, abused, etc. but basically makes sense. It takes people to something beyond what we have become so far, it is something that expands us, that drives us in situations, experiences, places, people that teach us, make us more alive in some way, and there lies also the risk, of feeling alive for reasons that basically lead to death, therefore we can be deceived can be said. But ascetics should focus more and more on a conscious purpose, based on experience, knowledge, to go closer a final satisfaction of desire. I don’t think this can be formulated in any kind of program: reading this book, or following this manual, listening to this guru. I am convinced that it is possible to find these premises and develop what would be called an ascetic that is supposed to clear everything that hinders that expansion, is and increase life. Somehow, it’s about exposing you to life, I think of a book that has affected me a lot in my youth, Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha. It is about a man in India whose life enters three phases; the first phase is ascetic, who wants to attain enlightenment, and is an incredibly ascetic person, wandering poor as a monk. He is young, but most people agree that he has never seen such an ascetic person, he can fast for a week, is completely humble and only strives for enlightenment. It ends with him know Buddha, apparently active at the same time, having the same name as Buddha, and he is aware that he was not ready yet. He’s wrong, he said, and went out into the world, and became a sinner heading to the city, falling in love with the most beautiful woman in the place,seduced her, they have a son, but he lives an extremely decadent life. Hi, played the money, drink a lot, wakes up in the gutter, but he is enjoying life to the fullest, completely like an old rock and roll star. In the end he wakes up in an alley and feels that he now has reached the end of it all. And these were not the things I was looking for either! And then he returns to a river that had passed before, realizing that his real mission will be to drive a boat across the river; take people back and forthl of the river: hi has reached his goal somehow, but he got there walking two paths; that of the complete ascetic and the total sinner, and from there distills a third that could not be done otherwise other than through experience, and to drive things at its apex.
One must explore both forces within oneself to endure life, both joy and pain, according to Herman Hesse, the way of life goes through is ways. The first two phases can be compared with what Nietzsche called it Apollyonic, and the Dionisius. A theme that appears in several of Hesse’s books. I think Hesse is one of the modern writers who captured the essentials and re-talented it very well. These extremes we have in modern secular mythology: we have the Apollyonic citizen, ordained who does nothing forbidden, he behaves well, pays his taxes, consumes Christianly on weekends. But we also have the Dionysus who in itself are not many who live it, but we can take part in that power, through popular culture, rock stars. Let us take the celebrity, a mythological person in our society who is allowed to live in a dionysian way, and we follow from afar his ascent, his fall and resurrection. That’s something the media is driven by, this kind of story, and those people in the second part of the 20th century were allowed to live so freely. And there was sex, drugs, violence and all that was dionysiac,which in most cases leads to the fall, it seems difficult to be in that world, although the Rolling Stones are still on tour, they do not seem to be affected by it. ?
Now, to get back to the subject, there’s some kind of development needed here, a development of the human being. We mention the literary Siddhartha, which represents its development, the question is whether each person can submit to that kind of development in a lifetime? It seems quite unlikely, it puts quite high demands on each person, to go down a path similar to Siddhartha, the question is how to do the thing in a problem, has we made it a theoretical problem. Is there any other way to see life ignoring this? If all this can’t happen for everyone in this life, it seems unrealistic to imagine if it’s honest, then a lot of people won’t get a chance, will it just be an ascetic elite who will deal with this, and what meaning tend it for the whole? Assuming there is a completely different time perspective here, a different existential perspective, namely that you don’t actually live just once, then all this discussion wouldn’t go under a new light. Because then development turns out to be a matter of cosmic events almost very long-term rather than a contemporary individual political and economic task. What does not mean that it is political or economic of course, because these are the conditions in which we live on earth, but it becomes a completely different existential perspective from everything. So, anyone who is thrown can try such a thought and see if he finds any resonance in himself or, and if he doesn’t, then he leaves it aside and concentrate on other important things. This is not a doctrine that I predicts, I just want to say that, the very fact of pointing out is one of several possible ways to get out of the fixed habits that exist in our world today.
I simply believe that some part of the human self or soul is not subject to the laws of space andtime. C. Jung
The modern world, with its consumption and short-term incorporate in it, is based on the fact that eternity for man does not exist. Everything must be resolved now, in a way that urgently, if we don’t manage this now, in thirty years will all die. One vision rather strange and not very positive! At least it’s obvious that the less you talk about an eternal perspective, the stronger they seem here everyday consumer perspective. If eternity exists on one way or another, (without get into details), that changes it all. To me, it feels like the most appropriate act of resistance to approach that thought. As a remedy for this short vision and also for the futility. Because if eternity exists, this converts almost everything that human beings do in something very significant. That is what is a purely apparent paradox here, that the more a perspective of eternity is real to one, the more significant is it the here and the now, concrete facts that one finds in all its deals. Here we can think on the cross as a symbol, which occurs not only in Christianity, but also in many other traditions, they give him some kind of fundamental esoteric meaning. In the symbol of the cross we found two axes, one horizontal and other vertical. The horizontal axis is time; the physical and bodily stages of the dimension of time where things, including people were born and died, appears, they disappear, everything changes constantly. The vertical axis represents or demonstrates the fact that there is a vertical dimension at each horizontal moment. The vertical dimension is what we call eternity or a timeless dimension, which is timeless means that it is in the always, so it’s not that eternity or the not time is anywhere but time but in the time. Nor there’s a difference between time and eternity, it’s two faces of the same thing. It’s a bit like we said that the body and soul are two faces of the same thing. The fact that the body is subject to birth, to death and to changes, etc. does not mean that the body also has a dimension of eternity. What if the always is imbued with eternity in this way, this implies that the existential or the experientable turn out a matter of discerning the dimension of eternity in one’s own life, In everything that’s really going on, and can be blind, deaf, unconscious of, or see, hear, feel, and be aware of. The first step in every development towards the live should be to begin to recognize the dimension of eternity on the everyday life. Because if you’ve experienced it, even if it was a single once enough strong, means you haves a kind of fixed point in your existence, some species of north set. Never you’ll forget it, sooner or later, you’ll notice that you can´t divert too much of the idea fundamental, and in this way, you can get this correct dimension of manage the ascetic cravings or how you want to call it. What I just said, requires a personal vision, transformation, start going in one direction but, nothing is done in isolation. It is also the foundation of the potential community, and without the communities that, therefore, they have the common approach of promoting this awareness in this regard, nothing can be achieved, but to the extent that more and more joint outward-oriented activity is based on these criteria, potentially will have political and economic consequences. In other words, from a social point of view. How to organize, create architecture, meeting opportunities, economic opportunities, etc. to promote this, rather than anything that takes away from this? But when the modern world is based on the fact that what we’re talking about doesn’t exist? … To the extent that economic systems, political systems, types of institutions, types of training, etc. Who does not recognize and does not promote this, or passively oppose it, but also sometimes in an active way, so there’s a counter-effort that way, and that it feels in personal life also in different ways, but even then, in that community life you feel it there, it’s a counter-force of which you never be free yourself, but in general, it is about what type of power dominates. Because if we talk a little lightly here about percentages and say that if the power of living dominates the power of not living in proportions of 55%, 45% then it is very different if it was backwards! So, it’s just about keeping power alive at 55% to be on the right track, no need to demand more. Cause the world as such, can´t exist without these forces.
Most people don’t really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people fear responsibility. S. Freud
The idea of eternity, that is, that our own life somehow lives after bodily death, is a thing that has arisen from the fear of death, and therefore we need man, or also says in the argumentation, that our brains cannot deal with the idea of our own death, so there must be something that protects us from this terrible conscience. It’s why the idea of eternity has arisen. I’d like to reverse that a little bit. Because if you start to think, this fact that life is eternal does not mean that it is a kind of a sure blanket in which to roll, especially if it is a dimension of the everyday, and also gives us an incredible responsibility. I suppose relief would only be better if we died, it, is interesting and detail of responsibility and freedom, because the two are very close. I can tell you briefly about a project in Stockholm called the freedom cage that wanted to study the concept of freedom, but the idea of the organizers the project was not to sit down and think and argue as intellectuals, but, they took with them the question: what is freedom? to a group of people who had been physically been deprived of their freedom, ex-prisoners. They met with a fairly large group of ex-prisoners and had four long conversations, explained to the group that they were not there to interview them, use them, but were there as ordinary people who wanted to know, what freedom was, because we all confronted with this question..
They had in-depth conversations with these people about the concept of freedom, much more interesting than I have experienced in the academic world. What reminded me of that now was, in what its culminated in. Ask what this group ultimately underpinned on the question of how to define the concept of freedom, or what did it mean to them as a person being in a state of freedom? … All the group agreed that it means one thing, namely, the ability to take responsibility! And it’s something absolutely great, it’s so true, because how could it be possible to assume your own freedom if you don’t choose between what takes you in the right direction of the compass, and against what’s wrong for you? ? And that requires a constant reflection on your internal activities, discernment that constantly determines in every situation of potential election, what is right and what is wrong, and that is responsibility but that! Here we have a kind of basis for what social development, education, cultivation, really should be in society. There are so many processes that only trying to decide what is right for us, that leads us to predetermined habits and never gives us the opportunity to discern things ourselves and therefore, anchor in the depth of all things.
[1] Paul L. Williams, Operation Gladio, The unholy Alliance between The Vatican, The CIA, and The Mafia. 2018
[2] It’s about 13th, thus entitled by the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which abolished slavery in that country, but with the exception of persons convicted of a crime.
[3] Alvaro Gonzales, Cultur plaza Valencia
[4] Javier Martínez de Pison, La CIA and crac. The Country, 1 DEC 1996. The author discusses the CIA’s alleged involvement in drug trafficking and its involvement in the sale of ‘crack’ in the black neighborhoods of U.S. major cities.
[5] Esteban Ordoñez, ctxt, Madrid, 17/01/2018.