The philosopher and semiotician, Walter D. Mignolo, is one of the founders of the modernity / coloniality school of thought. His early work focused on the history of writing and included discussion of literature, historiography, cartography, and cultural theory.
20210712 SSFS8 Walter MIGNOLO: Resurgimiento/Reexistencia: El poder y la belleza del pueblo soberano
La Descolonialidad como proyecto teórico y político. Entrevista a Walter Mignolo.
Arte y estética desde una lectura decolonial. Ponencia de Walter Mignolo.
Reflexiones generales en torno a la decolonialidad. Walter Mignolo.
New Concepts and Theoretical Imperatives: ‘Coloniality, ‘Decoloniality’ and their Aftermath
Conversations on Decoloniality & Fashion on ‘Some Key Propositions of Decolonial Thinking’
Walter Mignolo – Refigurations of Universalism and Reconstitutions of the Pluriversal
Professor Walter Mignolo – Decolonial Research Methods webinar series
Knowledge, Society and Difference: A conversation- a conversation with Professor Walter D. Mignolo